Four Simple Steps Surgical Services Teams Can Take in 2022 to Improve the Financial and Operational Performance of their Operating Rooms.


“Hospitals nationwide will lose an estimated $54 billion in net income over the course of 2021.”*

To help offset these shortfalls, many hospital leaders are looking to their largest revenue centers – surgical services and their operating and procedural rooms. However, they are finding there is much room for performance improvement in this area of their operations.

According to a recent study of 100 hospital leaders, the vast majority ─ 96% ─ think their ORs could run more optimally and most believe utilization is 20% to 30% lower than it should be, prompting more than 70% of health system leaders to say increasing surgical services’ throughput efficiently and safely is top-of-mind.

To help surgical service centers better prepare for 2022, RelayOne has to put together a new How-To Guide with four simple steps your organization improve the financial and operational performance of your operating rooms.

Download the guide and get a jump on your 2022 surgical services optimization strategic plan.